Little Motivations

Sometimes it's the little things that end up being the biggest motivation. Why? Who knows. What's important is what makes you happy! Here are my little motivations as of late.

1. Girls at work started a workout calendar, complete with a sticker per workout. They asked me to join in and I did. They like to see others workout to motivate them. And for some reason, I love adding my sticker to the calendar each day.

May is on a bigger calendar...

2. I discovered that the promise of pizza after a track workout makes me really happy. I mean, REALLY happy. I was extra motivated and smiley during my Monday track workout because I'd planned to have pizza for dinner after. It might not be great to use food as motivation, but I needed dinner either way, right?

[I did not photograph my pizza.]

3. Group runs and new outfits are both awesome. I wore my new Oiselle bum wrap to the Fleet Feet Menlo park group run last Thursday and found myself supremely happy. It's like wearing a cute new outfit to a party, or I felt like it was. I'm so glad I went to the group run because it was 80+ degrees (even at 6:30 pm) and I needed the motivation.

Mio Mesh tank + bum wrap = new favorite outfit.

What are your little motivations?


  1. I love your sticker chart! I too bribe myself with food to get through a workout. On Tuesday it was Oreos, but I was so tired by the time I was done with my workout that I just took a shower and went to bed, without the Oreos. So sad.

    1. Haha, I guess at least the thought of Oreos worked!

  2. Pizza definitely would work for me too. And beer. Well, not now, but you know what I mean. :)

  3. I love this!! Can I come work with you? (Not really kidding) :)

  4. I motivate myself with the promise of a new beer in the evening. :) It works. Mostly.

    Love the sticker chart. It'd be fun to try something like that at home and mark my progress with fun stuff.

  5. Love the sticker chart. I think you've got the most stickers on there at this point! I just have a personal running log, otherwise most of my coworkers would think I was stark raving mad.

    How is the Hansons running plan working out for you? I'm using it for an August marathon to train myself to run on tired legs - week 3 and so far I'm just tired. But it does help up the mileage.

    Another motivator: when I meet a goal in a race I start thinking about rewarding myself with something. Usually a new bit of running gear...!

    1. Hansons is definitely tough - I agree that even a few weeks in I feel so so tired! It's sort of crazy, but I tell myself it's good to run on tired legs. Hopefully that works. :)

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  7. I guess my motivation is that Chipotle burrito I'm going to devour after a long run, heh. Seriously though, always hungry after a long run. And as for running with a group, that always brings out the hustle in me.

  8. Love the sticker chart. It's a good thing the owl girl doesn't workout much, her sticker is massive! LOL! The cupcake stickers are adorable.

    1. That's so funny, yes the owl is huge! We have a bigger calendar now too, maybe that will help!

  9. The sticker chart is awesome. Would finally give me a use for all the random stickers I have sitting around. A nice Biggby Latte, or even a McDonald's diet coke are two small things that motivate me to get through a run sometimes. New workout gear always works, but I'm finding the latte a little more satisfying these days!

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  11. Ah! I love the sticker chart! I've started putting all workouts on Daily Mile for extra inspiration. (I used to only use it for running), and I let myself having frozen yogurt ONLY if I reached my fitness goals the week before!


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