Countdown to CIM

Today is one week from the big race - California International Marathon. I've gone back and forth on how I feel about another marathon over the past few weeks, but at this moment I'm feeling good. Ready to go. Can we run today instead please? I'm not sure I can keep the excitement up and the nerves down for another week!

For CIM, I'm excited for so much more than the race itself. There are number of Oiselle Team ladies running who I hope to meet in person. Lots of SF Marathon Ambassadors are running and planning to meet. AND there is a big group of Googlers going to the race. I'm not confident I'll be able to make all of the meet ups, but I'm sure as heck going to try. I love the camaraderie and support of the running community, and I feel so lucky to be involved in each of these groups.

There are so many thoughts in my head around the running part of CIM weekend. I had a fantastic 20 miler, and if I run that well I'm in good shape for a sub-5 hour marathon. If I don't run that well, then I can deal with that too. I have fear of the side cramp situation that has been plaguing me off and on since June, and I have no idea what I'll do if I cramp early again. 5 hours of being cramped was terrible in Seattle. Mostly, I want to finish CIM feeling better than I have in my past two marathons and to actually enjoy the experience.

The forecast currently says high of 61 degrees with a 50% chance of rain. That sounds fine to me. Of course I hope for no rain, but a high of 61 is fabulous. After running Chicago at 85 degrees and Seattle in  the mid-70s, I'm looking forward to a cooler one.

Here we go marathon week, bring it on!

And for a little fun, what I did on my Friday off. Christmas is in the air.

Reindeer china, tablecloth, and snowmen are out!

Willow's first Christmas.


  1. Final taper week.....madness takes hold! Paulette, you're going to do GREAT next week....and I can't wait to read your recap. Enjoy the next few've GOT THIS!!!

  2. Woooohoo!! :) I can handle the rain too. Heat is my personal kryptonite. Oh, and heavy wind. I'm soo ready for CIM as well :)

    1. Heat is my kryptonite too. Ugh. Good luck at CIM!

  3. Googlers? Like people who google? People who work for Google? What is a Googler?

    I'm sure CIM will go great for you! Have fun!

  4. Looking forward to hearing how CIM goes for you! I'm doing the RnR Las Vegas marathon this weekend, so I'm starting to get nervous too. Good luck!

  5. I love that Willow looks like she has longer hair! So adorable!

  6. Sending you nothing but excellent vibes and great, DRY weather. So excited to see how you do with all your recent running. Run strong and run the mile you are in.

  7. Getting so excited for you!!!! How can I track you?????

    1. Thanks! Tracking is going to be on the homepage - this is what they posted. :)


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