Training Week Two

This was a strange two weeks because we traveled to ski, and my actual running mileage/number of days was low. I still burned a lot calories and had great workouts, but it will be good to get back to a more normal schedule now that the trip is over. That said, I had a ton of fun and a break here and there can be good for the body. We'll ski more this winter for sure, but only over weekends as opposed to four days straight.

Here's Week Two:

Sunday, January 8
Planned: Skiing
Completed: Skiing

Monday, January 9
Planned: Skiing
Completed: Skiing
Last day of my ski trip, sad to leave.

Tuesday, January 10
Planned: Cross-training via indoor bike class
Completed: None
I took a rest day after 4 days in a row of skiing + a 9-mile run after skiing on Saturday. It was time to listen to my body.

Wednesday, January 11
Planned: 5 mile run at goal pace
Completed: 5 mile run, easy
I still felt exhausted after all of the vacation fun but made it through the run. I slowed down and took it as an easy run. The weather was beautifully sunny. Short sleeves in January? Yes, please!

Thursday, January 12
Planned: Strength training session
Completed: Strength training session + Cross-training via indoor bike class
The strength session was a buddy session with a personal trainer, although he didn't go hard enough on us. That was ok with me because I wanted to go to my bike class in the evening (I missed Tuesday), and that class is plenty challenging! The bike class included sprints with short recovery, long climbs out of the saddle, and time trial pace efforts. We rotated through these in sets and each effort became harder the next time around. It was a fantastic and killer class, and the highlight was the instructor's awesome music pairing job.

Friday, January 13

Saturday, January 14
Planned: 6 mile run
Completed: Lots of walking in SF with a visiting friend
This is a dial it back week in my training plan, and I'm doing the longest run of the week on Sunday this week. Today we went to Alcatraz and had lots of fun walking around the city!


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