Training Week One

I'm back into a training plan for the Big Sur 21-miler, likely to be used as a training run for a marathon. My overall plan might be tweaked a bit for that reason and due to ski trips, but for now I'm starting a Hal Higdon full training plan.

Week one + the Saturday before looked like this:

Saturday, December 31
Planned - 8 mile long run
Completed - 8 mile long run
This went well overall, the weather was sunny and cool. My husband and I ran the Bay Trail from Sunnyvale Baylands Park. My heart rate went high around mile 7 shortly after taking a Gu, so I took a short walk break to normalize. This is pretty unusual as I generally stay in my aerobic heart rate for long runs without an issue. My best guess is that it seems to happen when I use Gu instead of Clif Shot Blocks, although I didn't put this together in my head until after this run. In other news, the Peppermint Stick Gu is REALLY tasty.

Sunday, January 1
Rest - needed after celebrating New Years...

Monday, January 2
Planned - 3 mile easy run
Completed - 3 miles on the Elliptical
I have no excuse for not running outside other than I was doing too many chores. Then it got dark and I used my elliptical instead.

Tuesday, January 3
Planned - Cross-training via bike
Completed - Indoor cycling class on my bike and trainer at IPF
This class is so good for me because they work on pushing limits and interval training. I need this badly because I'm way too good at doing long but comfortable workouts on my own. We did a few spin ups (30 seconds at 110 rpm, then 120, and so on up to push for 150, then recover.) I can't really hit 150 but I can go as fast as possible and that's what I do. Don't tell. After that we did 5 long 'climbs' in harder gear with recovery in between. The workout ended with strength exercises focusing on glutes, legs, and core.

Wednesday, January 4
Planned - 5 mile run at goal pace
Completed - 5 mile run close to goal pace
This was a good run overall but I felt sluggish at the beginning and had sore glutes from Tuesday. I was able to pick it up for the last two miles and finished strong.

Thursday, January 5

Friday, January 6
Planned: Skiing!
Completed: Lots of skiing at Heavenly with friends. Fantastic.

Saturday, January 7
Planned: Skiing, 9 mile long run
Completed: Skiing (less this day), 9 mile long run
What a day. We skied in the morning and came in about an hour earlier than usual. Then my hubby and I headed out for our 9 mile run along Lake Tahoe Blvd. This is detailed in another blog post, and overall it was great. I expected to have trouble in the higher altitude but didn't.

That's the end of week one, and it was good. I need to make the final decision on a spring marathon - I can't believe I haven't yet - but I've said before that I'm marathon shy. I need to decide on my goal marathon and register already. I'll work on that this week!


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